
Unlike other MMOs, the chat window on PSO2 has a bunch of nifty functions and commands built into them. Below is stuff you can do with it.

Controls and Shortcuts[]

  • Hitting enter opens up the chat window
  • Holding lCtrl and hitting left/right arrow keys with the chat window up changes the display mode
  • Holding lAlt and hitting left/right arrow keys with the chat window up changes the send to mode
  • Enabling Scroll Lock will start chat mode, where any key pressed goes into chat
  • Text can be sent to all chat regardless of send mode by adding /a before the text
  • Text can be sent to party chat regardless of send mode by adding /p before the text
  • Text can be sent to team chat regardless of send mode by adding /t before the text

Text Color[]

The color of your text can be changed by adding {color} before your text. Multiple different colors can be used in the same line of next by simply adding the color command at where the new color should begin. The colors are the following:

Command Color
{red} red
{ora} orange
{yel} yellow
{gre} green
{blu} blue
{pur} purple
{vio} pink
{bei} beige
{whi} white
{blk} black
{gra} gray
{def} disable previous color

Text Bubble Emotes[]


pictures of all emotes

The text bubble, along with the sound that it makes can be changed by adding /toge or /moya before the text. /toge makes a strong burst sound while /moya makes an round bubble with a soft sound.

More effects can be added to the chat bubble by adding /mn(number 1-39) before the text.

Chat Commands[]

The chat also has a bunch of macros which displays game related stats:

Command How it's shown
<hp> (current HP)/(max HP)
<pp> (current PP/(max PP)
<pa> (name of last PA used)
<tc> (name of last tech used)
<sk> (name of last skill used)
<t> (name of last target)
<et1>, <et2>, <et3> (name of recent emergency trials)
<pos> (grid coordinate of character position)
<ar> (name of current area)
<me> (name of your character)
<cl> (mainclass) Lv.(mainclass level)/(subclass) Lv.(subclass level)
<wp> (name of current weapon)+(grind level)
<bc> (color of nearest base, in mining defence EQs)
<pi> (name of the last item that was dropped)
<gi> (name of the last item that was picked up)
<pet> (name of current pet in use)

Something useful would be for example "/mn18 <t> located at <pos>" to use after a boss spawns in a multi-party area.

Switch the main palette with these commands.

/mainpalette1~/mainpalette6 /mpal1 ~ /mpal6

Switch the sub palette with these commands.

/subpalette1~/subpalette18 /spal1 ~ /spal18

Switch to costumes stored in your item pack

/cs itemname /costume itemname For [itemname] enter the name of the costume.

Switch to Camos stored in your item pack

/camouflage itemname /cmf itemname

For [itemname] enter the name of the costume.

Please do note that using the translation patch will cause the commands to display the english names for things, which also reveals that you're using the translation patch to other players.

Lobby Actions[]

Your character can be made into performing a lobby action as you send the text by adding /la(lobby action) anywhere into the text.

You can force your character to perform the lobby action of a desired gender by using /mla(lobby action) or /fla(lobby action). There's also /cla(lobby action) which automatically makes your character perform the one of the opposite gender.

Lobby action is simply the english name for the lobby actions. Forexample "/la sit1" or "/cla greet"

Cut-in Display[]

You can show a camera of your characters face along with the chat by adding "/ci(type number) (angle) (brightness)" before your text. Additionally, by adding (nw) and/or (sXX) to the command, you can either remove the window or lengthen the time you do the facial expression. The list of stuff is as follows:

Pso2 cutintest
Type number Result Angle number Result Additional Commands Result
1 neutral 1 front nw No Cut-in Window Displayed
2 happy 2 diagonal sXX Seconds to run facial expression
3 angry 3 diagonal above (Replace XX with numbers)
4 sad 4 diagonal below
5 suspicious 5 side
6 eyes closed
7 mouth closed
8 happy2
9 wink

Brightness ranges from t1 to t5, where t5 is the brighest.

Example: using "/ci3 5 t4 Hey you!" would show as the picture to the right-

Symbol Art[]

Symbol art can be displayed by adding /symbol(SA number) before your text. Where SA number is the number of the saved symbol art that you wish to display.

Example: "/symbol1" displays the symbol art that you've saved into your first symbol art slot.

Voice Clips[]

While explicitly chat related, you can place these commands into your chat to have voice clips come along with your text...

Command Voice Clip
/vo1 S-ATK Voice Clips
/vo2 R-ATK Voice Clips
/vo3 Forward Aiming Technics
/vo4 AoE / Recovery Technics
/vo5 Minor Damage
/vo6 Large Damage
/vo7 Upon Revival
/vo8 Incapacitated
/vo9 Photon Blast
/vo10 Special Action
/vo11 Charged Attack
/vo12 SEGA! (Not available for all voices)
/vo13~/vo20 Voice Specific

Misc Stuff[]

  • You can bypass the word censoring by adding { or {def} in middle of the censored word
  • Allchat messages from players that are standing far away will only show as "..."
  • Both the text bubble and the text will become larger when multiple players say the same thing